You can make a difference.

Join us by donating money, goods or time.

You can also help others by letting them know about what we do.

Add our name to your favorite charity list. We would be happy to speak to your favorite organization about how we help.



Your donation allows us to provide people that help they need now. 100% of cash donations and 97% of credit donations goes to the program that you want to help with. 

You may write a check to First Call for Help designating the program you would like to help, bring by an in-kind donation or make a direct deposit by clicking the link “Make a Donation” below:

Make a Donation →

Speaker Request

We would love to come talk to your club, organization or group about help we help people and how they can help us.

Request a Speaker →

Spread the Word

There's no better way to make an impact on our community than to become an active helper yourself. Join now and make an impact!

Post or Volunteer →

Use your purchasing power

Support us on Dillon's Community Rewards and Amazon Smile. When you purchase from them they donate a little to us.

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